123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- @startuml OfflineTranmission
- header Message OfflineTranmission
- left to right direction
- skinparam usecase {
- BackgroundColor<< Publisher >> Pink
- BorderColor<< Publisher >> Red
- BackgroundColor<< Subscriber >> YellowGreen
- BorderColor<< Subscriber >> Green
- }
- component PublisherSite {
- (Parent) as (parentPub) << Publisher >>
- usecase "Parent" as parentPub
- [PublisherObservable] as PublisherObs #Pink;line:Red;line.bold;text:Black
- port "Proxy" as proxy1
- database "buffer" as buffer
- }
- component SubscriberSite {
- (Parent) as (parentSub) << Subscriber >>
- [SubscriberObservable] as SubscriberObs1 #YellowGreen;line:green;line.bold;text:Black
- [SubscriberObservable] as SubscriberObs2 #cyan;line:blue;line.bold;text:Black
- port "Proxy" as proxy2
- port "Proxy" as proxy3
- }
- proxy1 *- PublisherObs #line:Red;text:Red : Publish data to \ndesignated subsriber \nover proxy
- PublisherObs --> parentPub : If internet is \ndown, NOTIFY \nparent publisher
- parentPub --> parentSub #line:blue;line.bold;text:Blue : Notify Internet \nWas Offline \nPlease Subscribe \nAgain
- proxy1 *..* proxy2 #line:Red;text:Red : Internet Connection \nInterruption
- proxy1 == buffer : Store data \nin buffer should \nthe internet connection \nstatus is offline
- proxy2 -* SubscriberObs1 #line:Red;text:Red : Receive data \nfrom Publisher
- proxy3 *- SubscriberObs2 #line:Blue;text:Blue : Subcribe to Publisher \nvia new Proxxy or \nexisting Proxy
- proxy2 *- SubscriberObs2 #line:Blue;text:Blue
- proxy1 *..* proxy3 #line:Blue;text:Blue : Subscribe to proxy \n to continue receiving \ndata
- parentSub -> SubscriberObs2 #line:Orange;text:Orange : Instantiate a \nnew Subscriber upon \nreceiving notification \nfrom Publisher's parent
- parentSub <- SubscriberObs1 : Persists data \nreceived from \nPublisher
- @enduml
- /' Briedf description
- Follow the red line first. It represents a normal flow of data/message transfer
- during an ideal situation.
- The blue lines represents when the internet is done and provides direction as to
- how the components handle the situation.
- So here, the the publisher will produce it's messages/payload to the subscriber
- using the imported library to enable remote transmission of the data via proxy.
- The same thing also for the other side, to which they will also need to use the
- same library in order to receive the transmitted data.
- Now, assuming the internet connection is interrupted for whatever reason, then the
- data will then be stored in the the buffer so to speak or whatever that the publisher
- wants to deal with it. The parent component will then keep track of the records
- and send it's notification to the subscriber's parents once the internet is back
- online. Meanwhile, there would be, ideally speaking, internal mechanism to deal
- with the ongoing data transmission that is occuring at the publisher's site.
- So, when the internet connection is back online, and upon receiving the notification
- from the parent of the publisher's site, it would then instantaite a new subcriber
- to subscribe to the previously subscribed publisher, and continue to receive the
- stream data. The publisher will of course stream the buffered data that failed to
- transmit to the relevant party.'/