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added sequential diagram

Enzo hace 1 año
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 27 adiciones y 11 borrados
  1. 11 0
  2. 16 11

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+@startuml DIAGRAM
+participant Producer
+participant Consumer 
+participant Callback_Queue
+participant Callback_Stack
+Producer --> Consumer: Next()
+Producer <-- Consumer: Subscribe
+Consumer --> Callback_Queue: Add to queue
+Callback_Queue --> Callback_Stack: Remove from queue \nwhen corresponding \nfunctions are called

+ 16 - 11

@@ -120,17 +120,17 @@ function understandingOBS() {
 /* Buffer */
 function bufferOBS() {
     /* This code defines a function called bufferOBS that creates a new observable called bufferring using
-     the buffer operator. The buffer operator collects all the emissions from the source observable (publishDataEverySecond)
-      into an array and emits the array each time a notification is emitted from the control observable (control).
+    the buffer operator. The buffer operator collects all the emissions from the source observable (publishDataEverySecond)
+    into an array and emits the array each time a notification is emitted from the control observable (control).
     The buffer operator takes the control observable as a parameter. In this case, control is not defined in
-     the code snippet you provided, but it should be an observable that emits a notification to trigger the buffer emission.
+    the code snippet you provided, but it should be an observable that emits a notification to trigger the buffer emission.
     After creating the bufferring observable, the code subscribes to it using the subscribe method. The subscribe 
     method takes a callback function that is invoked each time an element is emitted from the bufferring observable.
     Inside the callback function, we log the received data using console.log. We then call handler1 with the received
-     data and chain a then operator to handle the result. In the then block, we call handler2 with the transformed data. */
+    data and chain a then operator to handle the result. In the then block, we call handler2 with the transformed data. */
     let bufferring = publishDataEverySecond.pipe(buffer(control)) // standard buffer 
     bufferring.subscribe((element) => {
         console.log(`Data received: ${element}`)
@@ -158,10 +158,13 @@ function bufferWhenOBS() {
     with the transformed data.
     Overall, this code sets up a pipeline of RxJS operators to create a buffered observable that buffers
-     emissions from the source observable for a certain amount of time. It then processes the buffered 
-     data using the handler1 and handler2 functions. This is useful when you want to group emissions 
-     from a source observable and process them together, for example, to reduce network traffic or to
-    process data in batches. */
+    emissions from the source observable for a certain amount of time. It then processes the buffered 
+    data using the handler1 and handler2 functions. This is useful when you want to group emissions 
+    from a source observable and process them together, for example, to reduce network traffic or to
+    process data in batches. 
+    Please not that the handler handles the array, not the individual data. A separate function will 
+    need to be designed in order to process each of the individual values from the emitted array. */
         next(element) {
             console.log(`Data received: ${element}`)
@@ -172,12 +175,14 @@ function bufferWhenOBS() {
 /*  Scheduler */
 function asyncScheduleOBS() {
     const scheduleObservable = of(`Hello Observable passing through`)
     const delayTime = 3000;
-    /* In this example, the source$ observable emits the value "Hello, RxJS!". We pass the source$ observable\
-     as a parameter to the task function, which is executed after a delay of 1 second using the asyncScheduler.
+    /* In this example, the source$ observable emits the value "Hello Observable passing through". We pass the source$ observable\
+    as a parameter to the task function, which is executed after a delay of 3 second using the asyncScheduler.
     Inside the task function, we subscribe to the source$ observable and log its emitted values to the console.
     By using an observable as the task parameter, you can create complex logic that can be executed at a specific time or interval. */
     let subscription = asyncScheduler.schedule(() => {
@@ -189,7 +194,7 @@ function asyncScheduleOBS() {
 function queue_Scheduler() {
     /* In this example, we use the observeOn operator to apply the queueScheduler to the observable stream.
-     We then subscribe to the stream and execute three tasks (task1, task2, and task3) in order using the queueScheduler.
+      We then subscribe to the stream and execute three tasks (task1, task2, and task3) in order using the queueScheduler.
     The queueScheduler ensures that the tasks are executed in the order they were added to the queue, waiting for each task to 
     complete before executing the next one. This is useful for tasks that need to run in order and should not be interrupted by other tasks.