## Client Prototype ## Description [Nest](https://github.com/nestjs/nest) framework TypeScript starter repository. Client Prototype is just sending the query request command to microservices and microservice return the response. ### REQUEST URL #### REQUEST - Plantation site ```bash POST http://localhost:3003/request ``` ```bash { "type": "site", "databaseName": "fisJRSB", } ``` ### REQUEST - FisApp DATASERVICE ### Method 1 - Data Request ```bash POST http://localhost:3003/request ``` ```bash { "className":"APAccountProfileDataService", "type": "dataservice", "returnFormatType": "byBatchOf10", "filter": "a", "requestID": "BBB" } ``` ### Method 2 - fisApp ```bash POST http://localhost:3003/default ``` ```bash { "header": { "messageType": "Query", "messageID": "942ecfe2-8734-4cff-998e-6a2a5a39c464", "messageName": "Query", "dateCreated": "2022-03-11T02:19:50.923Z", "isAggregate": false, "messageProducerInformation": { "origin": { "userApplication": { "userAppId": "getQueryMessage", "userAppName": "Client" } }, "components": "Presentation" }, "security": { "ucpId": "ABC" }, "messageDataLocation": { "isEmbaded": true }, "messageDataFormat": { "dataFormat": "Json" }, "requestExecutionMode": 0, "resquestTimeOut": 0, "query": "General" }, "data": { "className": "APAccountProfileDataService", "type": "dataservice", "returnFormatType": "byBatchOf10", "filter": "a", "requestID": "BBB" } } ``` ### Method 3 - Microservice command #### Observable ```bash this.client.send('QUERY',) ``` ## Installation ```bash $ npm install ``` ## Running the app ```bash # development $ npm run start # watch mode $ npm run start:dev # production mode $ npm run start:prod ``` ## Test ```bash # unit tests $ npm run test # e2e tests $ npm run test:e2e # test coverage $ npm run test:cov ``` ## Support Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please [read more here](https://docs.nestjs.com/support). ## Stay in touch - Author - [Kamil Myƛliwiec](https://kamilmysliwiec.com) - Website - [https://nestjs.com](https://nestjs.com/) - Twitter - [@nestframework](https://twitter.com/nestframework) ## License Nest is [MIT licensed](LICENSE).